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Asylum Law

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The Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany stipulates: “Persons persecuted on political grounds shall have the right of asylum.” (Art. 16a paragraph I of the Basic Law)
Within the German Government, the Federal Ministry of the Interior is the lead ministry for domestic asylum law.
The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees reaches decisions on applications submitted by asylum-seekers in accordance with statutory provisions. Lawsuits against decisions by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees may be brought before administrative tribunals. The relevant Land authority is responsible for reaching decisions on whether to enforce possible deportations and actual repatriations.
Both the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees and the Land governments and administrative tribunals are supplied, in the context of administrative assistance, with available information from the Federal Foreign Office on the situation with respect to asylum and deportation in asylum-seekers’ countries of origin. The Federal Foreign Office only provides information to authorities and courts within the framework of administrative assistance for administrative procedures and court proceedings relating to asylum law or protection against deportation.